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This week we added a feature support page for Stash Web Shop and worked on plans for 2025.



  • Unity:
    • No updates this week

What we're working on

Although there's no timeline for these items, we're also working on:

  • Launcher documentation
  • Analytics documentation

You can subscribe to these posts with RSS to stay up to date.

We haven't had an update in a few weeks because the team has been in Iceland and attending Slush! As always, it's great seeing everyone in person 💛!

This week we focused on building a new demo, scoping our ReadMe upgrade, and drafting some new docs.


  • Minor updates to various docs


  • Unity:
    • No updates this week

What we're working on

Although there's no timeline for these items, we're also working on:

  • Launcher documentation
  • ReadMe upgrade

You can subscribe to these posts with RSS to stay up to date.

This week we updated docs to reflect recent Stash Studio changes, and we released a new version of the Unity SDK.


  • Updated various docs and demos to reflect Stash Studio changes


  • Unity:
    • Added /sdk/launcher/payment/generate_add_to_cart_url to support checkout flows through the launcher
    • Refactored StashClient

What we're working on

Although there's no timeline for these items, we're also working on:

  • Launcher documentation

You can subscribe to these posts with RSS to stay up to date.

This week we continued working on documentation for the launcher and Stash Studio updates. We're also working to add more examples to our playground repo.


  • No major updates


  • Unity:
    • No updates this week

What we're working on

Although there's no timeline for these items, we're also working on:

  • Docs updates for Stash Studio changes
  • Launcher documentation

You can subscribe to these posts with RSS to stay up to date.

This week we tweaked the docs sidebar and worked on some Unity SDK updates. We've also been integrating docs links and similar resources into Stash Studio.


  • Removed the Stash Studio specific section of the docs (we'll still have content that covers Stash Studio, but we're going to spread it out to other docs which should make more contextual sense)


  • Unity:
    • Some updates are coming but we haven't officially released them yet

What we're working on

Although there's no timeline for these items, we're also working on:

  • Docs updates for Stash Studio changes
  • Launcher documentation

You can subscribe to these posts with RSS to stay up to date.

This week we published a beta guide for our Unreal SDK and worked more on the playground repo.



  • Unity:
    • No updates this week

What we're working on

Although there's no timeline for these items, we're also working on:

  • Improvements to our playground repo
  • Launcher documentation

You can subscribe to these posts with RSS to stay up to date.

This week we focused on improvements to our playground repo. Outside of the docs and SDK world, the broader Stash team was at D.I.C.E and Pocket Gamer Connects, and working to deconstruct Riot's D2C success.


  • No updates this week


  • Unity:
    • No updates this week

What we're working on

Although there's no timeline for these items, we're also working on:

  • A (beta) Unreal SDK with associated docs
  • Improvements to our playground repo

You can subscribe to these posts with RSS to stay up to date.

A couple of our teammates were off the last few weeks so we haven't had a post in a while. We're back though and this week we focused on docs updates for some new Stash Studio features.



  • Unity:
    • No updates this week

What we're working on

Although there's no timeline for these items, we're also working on:

  • A (beta) Unreal SDK with associated docs
  • Docs site improvements

You can subscribe to these posts with RSS to stay up to date.

This week we updated the Unity SDK and worked on some "behind the scenes" stuff. Part of our team was also at gamescom!


  • No updates this week


  • Unity:
    • Added device and app build information to Stash API requests

What we're working on

Although there's no timeline for these items, we're also working on:

  • Stash Studio updates
  • An Unreal SDK
  • Documentation for Facebook account linking

You can subscribe to these posts with RSS to stay up to date.

Well, we're back! We had an offsite two weeks ago (💛) and the Docs team was OOO last week.

This week we focused on some upcoming Stash Studio changes and docs updates.

Also, if you haven't been keeping tabs on our Secret Stash episodes, the latest one with Justin Waldron is out.


  • Started drafting updates for Stash Studio changes
  • Minor updates and improvements to existing docs


  • Unity:
    • No updates this week

What we're working on

Although there's no timeline for these items, we're also working on:

  • An Unreal SDK
  • Documentation for Facebook account linking