Create and manage promo codes
Learn how to use Stash Studio to create promo codes
Promo codes are currently in beta.
Promo codes allow players to apply discounts at checkout time. You create promo codes in Stash Studio, and you can edit the duration and description after you create them.
Create and edit promo codes
In Stash Studio, navigate to Webshop > Promo Codes and click + Create Promo Code. From there, enter a description, the code you want to use, and the duration. After saving the changes, the code becomes effective immediately. If needed, you can click the promo code to edit the description and duration.
How players use promo codes
Stash presents a promo code field during the checkout process. After players enter a code, Stash validates it and then applies the discount, which includes a breakdown of the amount discounted. After the payment is processed, players can claim their purchases using your standard in-game process.
Updated 8 days ago