Launcher concepts

Learn more about Stash's Game Launcher


The launcher is currently in beta.

Releases and build management

Your releases are a collection of game builds. Each build is tied to a specific game binary, and you can assign builds to distinct channels. You can use Stash Studio or the CLI to upload builds for Mac and Windows.

Channels provide a way to segment the distribution of your game. They aren't tied to specific platforms like Windows, or devices like mobile phones. When you create a channel, all you need is a name and then you can assign builds to that channel. It's up to you to define what each channel is for.

For example, you might create Beta and Stable channels so you can distribute one version of your game for beta features, and a different version for production. This means you control the versions of your game that players have access to. This allows you to target specific player groups, manage updates, and test features gradually.

You can optionally create access codes for different channels. With access codes enabled, players are prompted for a code before they can download the build. If needed, you can limit access codes so they can only be redeemed a set number of times. You can create, edit, and delete access codes in Stash Studio.

Launcher deployment

Your launcher is deployed to players using a standalone MSIS installer (Windows) or universal disk image (MacOS). All launcher related binaries are automatically code signed and notarized by Stash to ensure players receive a fully compliant binary with no security warning.

Both the Windows installer and Mac disk image are customizable. You can use customized icons, graphical assets, EULAs, and other extensions like deep link registration, registry entries, or a custom install process.

Launcher updates

The Stash Game Launcher supports silent updating on both platforms. After players install the launcher, updates are automatically applied to ensure they are always on the latest version.

In-game purchases

With the Stash Game Launcher, players can make purchases directly from the game on both Windows and macOS. The checkout process is consistent across the in-game store and the Stash Web Shop.

When in-game purchases are initiated, a checkout link is created that automatically signs players in to the web shop and redirects them to a checkout page. This means that players already familiar with your web shop have a consistent experience, and that new players get introduced to your web shop.

Stash CLI

The Stash CLI allows you to upload game builds to Stash Studio. You can also use it to automate the process using your existing CI/CD pipeline. You can download the latest version for Windows but MacOS is still in development.

Upload example

The CLI currently supports uploading and configuring builds. You need to make separate calls for each platform you want to upload a build for.

./launcher_cli upload --env=<test|prod> \
--secret=<secret_from_stash_studio> \
--file_path=<zip_file_name> \
--executable_path="Build\my_game.exe" \


secretYour Stash Studio secret (found in Settings > API Secrets)HFeMGWYd-TnYes
file\_pathThe local path to the zip folder to upload/Users/dev/builds/test.zipYes
executable\_pathThe path to the game executable within the zip folder/build/test-build.exe (Windows) /build/ (Mac)Yes
platformThe platform the binary is forwindows or macYes
envThe environment to upload the binary totest or prodNo
channelThe release channel ID (found in Launcher > Channels)933e5aae-2e9-c8bd30No